As a kid growing up in Livonia, MI, Jay Hud always tuned into 89X. Not much has really changed since then, Detroit (and Windsor, of course) is still dialed in to 88.7 just like when he was growing up ...
but now his voice is the one you'll hear. He's been delivering alternative rock jams on the left side of the dial for the past 5 years and maybe it has something to do with that wicked schedule, but he says "my show includes lots of music and everyday topics, which local people can relate to, and I believe that and being a local boy myself are the main reasons I can connect with my listeners the way I do!"
He was recently the featured DJ on the Internet's largest radio and music community site, All Access. In the feature he talks about going to Thailand, and preparing to run the Boston Marathon. Check out the whole article here.
You can check out Jay Hud on the air by dialing in 88.7 between 7 and 11, or hear more about his story as when he sat down with Specs Howard's V.P. of Industry Relations, Dick Kernen.